In 1979, Fritz escaped an accident that should resulted in the fatalities of all involved. Jus before the collision he and his best friend looked at each other and said, "Oh, Jesus." Both vehicles were totaled. Everyone walked away.
Five months later Jesus sought Fritz again; this time after a Christian Youth Concert. He learned that "God demonstrated His own love" for him while he was still a sinner "Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
Within two years he experienced an Angelic appearance on a lonely Tennessee highway while driving to Bible School in Oklahoma. The visit brought him comfort that whole night and ever since.
This study is the culmination of years of study. It began as a side topic during a Sunday evening Bible Study Group. It is a grand adventure into the Heavenly Realm and observes God's emissaries as they minister for all who "shall be heirs of salvation." (Hebrews 1:14)
Whether you are a seasoned student of the Word or new to the faith, you will find Jesus' great Love is always being worked on your behalf. You will see that you are a ... "Friend of Angels."
We are here to listen, support, and connect with you. Whether you have questions or simply want to reach out, please feel free to get in touch with us. Your message matters, and we look forward to hearing from you and being a source of support on your journey of faith.
If you'd like for us to come minister, we'd love to serve. Please e-mail or call.